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Korean J Med Hist > Volume 4(1); 1995 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical History 1995;4(1): 37-44.
한의학의 병리이론
The Pathology Theory of the Oriental Medicine
In Sok Yeo
National Institute of Environmental Research, Korea.
The oriental medicine differs from the western medicine in many aspects. Especially they show great differences in their understnding of diseases as the object of medical science. But their differences were often exaggerated and accentuated. In this article I would like to reveal various aspects of oriental medicine which have often been ignored by schematic comparison with the western medicine. They are as follows. 1) The pathology theory of the oriental medicine has changed as the time has gone by. 2) The pathology theory of the oriental medicine is not based on single paradigm. 3) Nosologic problems in oriental and western medicine.
Key Words: Pathology Theory, Oriental Medicine
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