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Korean J Med Hist > Volume 7(2); 1998 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical History 1998;7(2): 209-221.
의사학자 지거리스트의 삶: 학문과 사회적 실천 사이의 긴장
The Life of Henry E. Sigerist: Academic Scholarship vs. Social Activism
Jong Chan Lee
Department of Medical History, Ajou University, Suwon, South Korea.
The objective of this paper is to chronologically investigate his life as follows: (i) how Henry Sigerist(1891-1957) became interested in medical history, (ii) how he succeeded Karl Sudhoff(1853-1938) as professor of the history of medicine in the University of Leipzig, (iii) why he came to the Johns Hopkins in 1932, (iv) what he did for health care reform in the U. S. and Canada, (v) why he returned to his motherland in 1947, and (vi) how health professions have been globally influenced by his life. Based on the solid academic scholarship of medical history and sociology, Sigerist was energetically engaged in health care reform. What distinguished his social activism from other health care reforms is that whereas most health care reformers take the positivism-centered perspective to transform the existing health care system, Sigerist integrated historical vision with sociologically pedagogic mission to pursue health care progress.
Key Words: Henry Sigerist, Scholarship, Activism, Health Care Reform, Medical History, Medical Sociology
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