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Korean J Med Hist > Volume 8(1); 1999 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical History 1999;8(1): 59-68.
일본 인종론과 조선인
서홍관1, 신좌섭2
1인제의대 가정의학과
2서울의대 의사학교실
Japanese ethnology and Chosen people during Japanese annexation period
Hong Gwan Seo1, Jwa Seop Shin2
1Department of Family Medicine, Seoul Paik Hospital, Inje University, Korea.
2Department of the History of Medicine and Medical Ethics, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea.
Japan extended her territory since the end of 19th century, Sahalin island northward, Ryukyu islands southward. Japan annexed Chosen in 1910. The task of Japanase ethnology was how to describe and define the people of many races in Japanese territory. On the other hand Japanese ethnology was a confrontation of Japanese about the sense of superiority of the West. Japanese ethnology was the background of exploitation and discrimination of other Asian countries and their people. In that sense Japan imitated Western countries in an age of imperialism. Japanese ethnologist adopted two theories; one was an anthropology and another was the theory of evolution. They classified races into two categories, evoluted one and primitive one. Japanese government intended to utilize Asian people in respond to the advantages and disadvantages of each race. Kubo, Koganei, Kyono, and Hasebe were those who studied Chosen people. Kubo, a professor of department of Anatomy of Kyungsung Junior Medical College, was the most productive one in anthropology of Chosen people. He describes Chosen people as a primitive one. His prejudice about Chosen people was very closely related with so called "Kubo abusive words case". It was a symbolic happening rather than a personal defect in the perspective of the idea of Japanese ethnology about Chosen people.
Key Words: Japanese ethnology, Japanese annexation period, Kubo, Chosen people
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