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Korean J Med Hist > Volume 8(1); 1999 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical History 1999;8(1): 79-89.
정기건강검진의 역사적 변화
Periodic health examination in its historical perspectives
Hong Gwan Seo
Department of Medical History and Medical Ethics, College of Medicine, Inje University, Korea.
The origin of the periodic health examination can be traced to Horace Dobell, a British physician. The periodic health examination became popular in the early 20th century with many advocates such as the life insurance companies, private corporate industry, medical professionals, and the prepaid health care in North America. The contents and legitimacy of periodic health examination has changed markedly over time according to the objectives. There were various objectives of the periodic health examination according to the advocates: reduction of morbidity and mortality, scientific knowledge, economic savings, professional empowerment, the patient-physician relationship, satisfaction of patient demand, and efficient administration. Recent remarkable changes led by Canadian Task Force and U.S. Preventive Services Task Force were the emphasis of reduction of disease-specific morbidity and mortality, risk adjusted application, and the inclusion of counseling, immunization, and chemoprophylaxis. Health screening has become a promising medical practice in Korea. The main environment of the periodic health examination in Korea is fee-for-service system, the national medical insurance system, and Korean cultural background. However, the consensus of Korean government and society for controlling medical cost will limit the irrational prosperity of periodic health examination in near future.
Key Words: Periodic Health Examination, Morbidity, Mortality, Health Screening
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