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Korean J Med Hist > Volume 8(2); 1999 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical History 1999;8(2): 207-232.
중국 중서의결합의 발전과정과 정책변화
Development of Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine and change of medical policy in China
Soon Shik Shin
Korea Institute of Oriental Medicine.
"Sect of Integration of Chinese and Western Medicine" came into the world four hundred years ago when Traditonal Chinese Medicine(TCM) contacted Western Medicine(WM) at the begining of 17th century. It collected historical experiences showing that the cooperation of TCM and WM is more efficient for the cure and prevention of disease than each of them separately. Now the recognition that the cooperation of eastern and western medicine is more efficient to cure disease is spreading widely. This study will help Korean eastern and western medicine to find their directions. First, the concept of "sect of Integration of Chinese and Western Medicine" which was established between the beginning of 17th century and the middle of 20th century, and Integration of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine(ITCWM) which was formed after the middle of 20th century will be discussed. The relationship of "sect of Integration of Chinese and Western Medicine" and ITCWM and political consideration for the establishment of ITCWM will also be discussed. Finally, the current status of ITCWM in China will be discussed. New trends of thought appeared in Chinese medicine, owing to the cultural background of modern China, the development of WM, and the academic backgound of the intellectual class. "sect of Integration of Chinese and Western Medicine" and ITCWM are different in historical and social background. However, purpose, foundation of thoughts and logical idea are fundamentally same. It can be said that "sect of Integration of Chinese and Western Medicine" provided academic mood to open the way for ITCWM and ITCWM is a succession of "sect of Integration of Chinese and Western Medicine". The concept of ITCWM has many ways of explanation. However, it can be said to build up the foundation of new medical area including Chinese special way of medical treatment and new methods of modern medicine, succeeding a legacy of TCM. ITCWM began before the establishment of People's Republic of China. Mao Ze-dong(1893-1976), a powerful politician, and Li Ding-ming(1881-1947) who had many experiences and insight for TCM and WM played important roles at this stage. The period from the New China to the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution(1966-1975) is the term for the establishment of the shape of ITCWM. "The effort of research and development on TCM-WM integration" was adapted as one of hygienic policies for curing of epidemic disease and succession and development of the heritage of TCM to establish new medical area. TCM class for western medical doctors was opened and mass media was used to spread out ITCWM throughout China. During the period of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution, ITCWM has to be stepped back and stagnant. Only the TCM class of western medical doctors and some clinical applications were barely keep moving on and alive. From the period of the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution to the end of 1980's, there are the movement of re-preparation of ITCWM, education of successors, and the establishment of the Institute of ITCWM. Hospitals began to establish department of ITCWM. Furthermore, it was clearly indicated in the constitutional law that "we not only have to develop modern medicine but also traditional medicine". The equality of TCM and WM was legally established in this time. From the 1990's, "equality of TCM and WM" was adapted as one of the hygienic policies, and department of ITCWM was opened in traditional chinese medical school and western medical school. ITCWM has been settled down as a new academic field through education, training, research, academic activity, and publishing text books. In conclusion, the motive of the development of ITCWM was the policy such as "the effort of research and development on TCM-WM integration" and "equality of TCM and WM" aimed at the development of Chinese medical area. It is no doubted helpful to organize systems and policy-making for the cooperation of eastern and western medicine in Korea.
Key Words: sect of Integration of Chinese and Western Medicine, Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine, policy, the effort of research and development on TCM-WM integration, equality of TCM and WM
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