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Korean J Med Hist > Volume 8(2); 1999 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical History 1999;8(2): 269-277.
우리나라 의학과 한의과대학의 통합강의 가능성
김재식1, 김두희2, 이원길1, 서장수1, 송경은1, 강병조1, 박은휘3, 최재갑4
1경북대학교 의과대학
2동국대학교 의과대학
3경산대학교 한의과대학
4경북대학교 치과대학
Possibility in Unification of Oriental and Western Medicine Education by Combination of Educational Curricula
Jay Sik Kim1, Doo Hee Kim2, Won Kil Lee1, Jang Soo Suh1, Kyung Eun Song1, Byung Jo Kang1, Eun Hui Park3, Jae Kap Choi4
1Kyungpook National University School of Medicine, Korea.
2Dongguk University College of Medicine, Korea.
3Kyung San University College of Oriental Medicine, Korea.
4Kyungpook National University School of Dentistry, Korea.
The authors attempted a pdssibility of unifcation in the educational curricula of both Oriental and Western medical schools for the unification of two medicines . Historically the two medicines were originated from the most primitive state like intinctive method and we can say two medicines were entirely same. However after abrupt and current development of science in 19 century by discovery of microscope and bacteria as well as cells changed medicine into recent unbelievable current medicine from old ancient style medicine like Chinese Medicine which was just the remnant old medicine. The unification of educational curricular is thought to be possible to combine each other by technical adjustment from mutual understanding and cooperations for the most high quality of people's lives. There were good equality to partial corrrespondances between two educational curricular around 90 % at two pre- and schools from the study to analyse. The combined medicine is thought to be more efficient to the diagnosis and treatment of patients because of the effectiveness of Oriental medicine in a certain disease conditions like chronic illness by acupuncture as a alternative medicine or herbs.
Key Words: Western and Oriental medicine, Chinese or alternative medicine, Herbs
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