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Korean J Med Hist > Volume 10(2); 2001 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical History 2001;10(2): 135-152.
구리개 제중원의 규모와 활동
왕현종1, 이경록2, 박형우2
1연세대학교 문리대학 사학과
2연세대학교 의과대학 동은의학박물관
The Gurhigae Jejoongwon: its size and activities
Hyun Jong Wang1, Kyung Lock Lee2, Hyoung Woo Park2
1Department of History, Yonsei University College of Art and Science, Korea.
2Dong-Eun Medical Museum Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea.
This article explores the location, size of the site, and medical activities of the Gurhigae Jejoongwon. Relevant documents such as reminiscences, diplomatic notes, newspaper accounts, maps, and photographs were referred for this study. The Gurhigae Jejoongwon located on a hill that, at present, covers the area from Ulchi-ro to MyungDong Cathedral. Its main entrance was towards Ulchi-ro. Real estate including the buildings of the Gurhigae Jejoongwon was returned to the Chosun government in 1905, and the estimated size of its site varied from 1,810 pyung to 5,036 pyung. The site of the Gurhigae Jejoongwon was 2 - 5 times larger than the 862.16-pyung-site of the Jejoongwon in its Jaedong days. With such larger size, the Jejoongwon could take care of more patients. Dr. Avison started medical education again. The Gurhigae Jejoongwon took the central part in medical treatment activities for public in Seoul, as it carried out the prevention activities against Cholera in 1895. The Chosun government highly recognized its medical treatment activities for the common people.
Key Words: the Jejoongwon the Gurhigae Jejoongwon, Western medicine, Medical treatment for public, Medical education
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