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Korean J Med Hist > Volume 13(2); 2004 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical History 2004;13(2): 219-232.
1898년도 조선왕실의 의료
김정선, 황상익
A Study on the Medical Care of the Royal Family in the Chosun Period in 1898: as recorded in the Taeuiwon Ilgi
Jung Sun Kim, Sang Ik Hwang
Department of the History of Medicine and Medical Humanities Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea. hwangsi@snu.ac.kr
Taeuiwon was in charge of the medical care of the royal family in the Chosun period of 1898. The Taeuiwon Ilgi is the document which was recorded by Taeuiwon officials. In this study, the authors studied the contents of Taeuiwon Ilgi of 1898 in order to understand the medical care of the royal family of Chosun Kingdom. In 1898, Taeuiwon took some careful measures to take good care of the royal family. Taeuiwon physicians made regular inquiry about their health through the format called Moonan. The Moonan was to check out the health conditions of them. When Taeuiwon carried out Moonan, Emperor Kojong was asked to take a medical examination called Ipjin by the court physicians of Taeuiwon, even if he were in good condition. Taeuiwon physicians also regularly prescribed Insamsokmium, when the royal family performed the religious service or went into mourning. Insamsokmium is a kind of restorative food containing ginseng. From the above, we could conclude that Taeuiwon provided the preventive care to them. It was considered the proper way to such kind of high personage in that period.
Key Words: Taeuiwon Ilgi, Court Physician, Medical Care, Emperor Kojong, The Year 1898
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