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Korean J Med Hist > Volume 13(2); 2004 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical History 2004;13(2): 233-250.
세브란스의전 연구부의 의학연구 활동
A History of the Research Department of the Severance Union Medical College
In Sok Yeo
Department of Medical History Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea.
The Research Department of the Severance Union Medical College was founded on November 4th, 1914. Drs. R. G. Mills, J. D. VanBuskirk and A. I. Ludlow were the co-founders of the department. The department aimed at investigating the medical problems of Koreans which originated from the differences of diet, customs and habits. The main fields of the research were divided into three: traditional medicine, diet of the Koreans, and special diseases in Korea. As to the research of the traditional medicine, Mills conducted extensive investigations on the drugs mentioned in the pharmacopeia of the traditional medical texts. His work included the translation of the medical texts into English, which unfortunately was not published, and the collection of thousands traditional drugs and botanical specimens. To the second field, VanBuskirk contributed much. His research was mainly focused on investigating the characteristics of Korean diet, finding out its problems, and recommending more balanced diet. The third field was the research of the diseases specific in Korea. The diseases caused by various parasites were the main targets of the research. At first, the Research Department was a laboratory where research was actually being carried out. But, its nature has been changed as each department became the center of research activities. The Research Department became a research promoting center which provides research funds for each department or individual researchers. The founding of the Research Department in the Severance Union Medical College marks a turning point in the history of SUMC in the sense that academic activities began to become more important in the missionary institute.
Key Words: Research Department, Severance Union Medical College, Traditional Medicine, Korean Diet, Parasitic Diseases
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