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Korean J Med Hist > Volume 13(2); 2004 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical History 2004;13(2): 284-296.
최동의 생애와 학문
이규식1, 양정필2, 여인석2
1원광보건대학 임상병리과
2연세대학교 의과대학 의사학과
Paul D Choy A Life for Learning
Gyu Sik Lee1, Jeong Pil Yang2, In Sok Yeo2
1Department of Clinical Pathology Wonkwang Health Science College, Korea.
2Department of Medical History Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea.
Paul D. Choy was born on February 26th. 1896. He spent his childhood in Japan and America, and he returned to Korea when he turned twenty one years old. He graduated from Severance Union Medical College in 1921. After graduating the college, he went to Peking Union Medical College to study parasitology. He came back to Korea after one year as the first parasitologist in Korea. On returning, he took the charge of the clinical laboratory of Severance Hospital. Before long he made another journey for study to Canada. He spent two years in Toronto University studying pathology. After studying pathology, he challenged a new field of medicine. It was medical jurisprudence. He stayed two years in Japan in order to earn his doctorate in medical jurisprudence in Tohoku Imperial College. This time he returned as the first specialist in medical jurisprudence in Korea. His field of study was not confined to medical field. He had deep interest in current situation in Manchuria and Mongol, and wrote a book on this matter. His interest also extended to the history of ancient Korean people. He made extensive studies on this subject, which resulted in publishing a huge work on the origin of Korean people and its ancient history. He was a true pioneer of medicine in Korea and his life was characterized by endless quest for learning.
Key Words: Paul D. Choy, parasitology, pathology, medical jurisprudence, ancient Korean people
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