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Korean J Med Hist > Volume 13(2); 2004 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical History 2004;13(2): 298-314.
한국 역사 교과서의 의학사 서술과 개선방향
고일영1, 주진오2
1연세의대 의사학과
2상명대학교 사학과
Medical history in the Korean History Textbook
Il Young Ko1, Chin Oh Chu2
1Department of Medical History Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea.
2Department of History, Sangmyung University, Korea.
This thesis is a research how the medical history described and organized in the Korean history textbook to compare the 7th educational program from 2002 to the 6th educational program from 1994-2001 in Korea. The medical history is divided into two parts as social system, science and technology but so small amount. In addition, it is impossible to study medical history in its own program. And we can't find any significant difference between the 6th edition and the 7th edition in the state Korean History textbook. In the Korean Modern and Contemporary History textbook, we can find more abundant and systematical approach from some textbooks published by Joongang and Geumsung company than 6th edition Korean History. The change of textbook system to authorized textbook system makes some advance. However four other books don't show much improvement. On the other hand, the contents are so much devoted into the introduction of medical system and books even in the advanced textbooks. Therefore we have to make the students to understand the life of the past and the present with the concrete contents and intimating of the living history. Besides medical historians have to participate in the process to publish the textbook.
Key Words: medical history, the 7th educational program, Korean Modern and Contemporary History textbook, living history, history of medicine
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