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Korean J Med Hist > Volume 18(1); 2009 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical History 2009;18(1): 1-14.
甲辰字體內醫院字本 "食物本草"에 대한 書誌的 考察
A bibliographical study on the Gapjinjache Naeuiwonjabon of Sikmulboncho
Jeong Yong Ha
Institute of Songchol Seon Buddhism, Korea.
"Sikmulboncho" that is quoted several times to "Donguibogam(Medical Thesaurus of Korea)" published several times in 3 countries(Korea, China & Japan) as important data of botany study. Gapjinjache "Sikmulboncho", one of the bronze metal type, that exist our country was publicated in early Seonjo(1552-1608) era. Actually there are 3 items(Korea university collection, Asami library collection, Oksan seowon collection) of Gapjinjache Naeuiwonjabon one of the wooden type seen become publication after 1607 year. Bronze metal type composes the major part for Gapjinjabon, but wood type was also mixed much. Wooden type composes the major part for Naeuiwonjabon, while bronze type was little mixed. Bronze metal type disappears by wear class gradually to during 40 years and instead of this, used wood type was used. Foundation and base of this publication have formed in itself Eulhaejache Naeeuiwonjabon that start "Donguibogam" in process that do this way. Therefore, Naeeuiwon do not publish various medical books like a Naeeuiwonjabon suddenly in early 17th century. I can speak that is caused in experience and potential power that already publish this Gapjinjabon medical book ago by medical history.
Key Words: Naeeuiwonja, Dongeuibogam, Heojun, Hunryeondogam, movable wooden types, Eulhaejache, Gapjinjache, eatable botany
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