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Korean J Med Hist > Volume 18(1); 2009 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical History 2009;18(1): 15-41.
고대 서양의학 체질론과 사상체질론의 형성과정 및 내용 비교 연구
Comparative Research into the Process of Forming the Theory of Constitution in Ancient Western Medicine and that of Four Trigrams Constitution in Korean Medicine and Contents of Two Theories of Constitution
Joo Hong Park
Department of the History of Medicine and Medical Ethics, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
After conducting comparative research into the process of forming the Theory of Constitution in Ancient Western Medicine and that of Four Trigrams Constitution(Sasang Constitution) in Korean Medicine and contents of two Theories of Constitution in terms of medical history, both theories were found to be formed by an interaction between philosophy and medicine, followed by a combination of the two, on a philosophical basis. The Theory of Constitution in Ancient Western Medicine began with the Theory of Four Elements presented by Empedocles, followed by the Theory of Four Humors presented by Hippocrates and the Theory of Four Temperaments by Galenos, forming and developing the Theory of Constitution. After the Middle Ages, there was no significant advance in the Theory of Constitution by modern times ; however, it developed into the theory of constitution type of Kretschmer and others after the 19th century and into the scientific theory of constitution based on genetics presented by Garrod and others early in the 20th century. The Theory of Four Trigrams Constitution began with the Theory of Constitution in Huangdi Neijing, followed by developments and influences of existing medicine called beginning, restoration, and revival periods and DongeuisoosebowonSaSangChoBonGwon based on the original philosophy of Four Trigrams presented by Lee Je-ma, which is found in GyeokChiGo, DongMuYuGo and so on, ultimately forming and developing into the Theory of Four Trigrams Constitution in Dongeuisoosebowon. Recently, a lot of research is being conducted into making it objective in order to achieve reproducibility in diagnosis and so forth of Four Trigrams Constitution.
Key Words: Constitution, The Theory of Constitution, Ancient Western Medicine, Korean Medicine, Four Trigrams Constitution Theory, Formation Process
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