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Korean J Med Hist > Volume 20(1); 2011 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical History 2011;20(1): 1-28.
『승정원일기』 기록을 바탕으로 한 조선중기 요통 치료의 『동의보감』과의 연관성 : 인조, 효종, 현종, 숙종 시대를 중심으로
정재영, 이준환, 정석희
The Influence of Donguibogam during the Middle Joseon Era Based on Clinical Records on Low Back Pain in Seungjeongwon ilgi
Jae Young Jung, Jun Hwan Lee, Seok Hee Chung
Department of Oriental Rehabilitation Medicine, College of Oriental Medicine KyungHee University, Korea. omdchung@khu.ac.kr
The recently increasing interest in historical records has led to more research on historical records in various fields of study. This trend has also affected medical research, with the medical climate and popular treatment modalities of the past now being revealed based on historical records. However, most research on medical history during the Joseon era has been based on the most well-known record, Joseon wangjo sillok or Annals of the Joseon Dynasty. Joseon wangjo sillok is a comprehensive and organized record of society during the Joseon era and contains key knowledge about medical history during the period, but it lacks details on the treatment of common disorders at the time. Seungjeongwon ilgi or Diary of the Royal Secretariat has detailed records of daily events and is a valuable resource for the daily activities of the era. And in the middle Josoen era, a variety of medical books - especially Donguibogam - was published. Therefore, the authors focused on the under-researched Seungjeongwon ilgi, Donguibogam and attempted to assess and evaluate low back pain treatment performed on Joseon royalty. The most notable characteristic of low back treatment records within the Seungjeongwon ilgi is that diagnosis and treatment was made based on an independent Korean medicine, rather than conventional Chinese medicine. This paradigm shift is represented in Dongeuibogam, and can be seen in the close relationship between Dongeuibogam and national medical exams of the day. Along with the pragmatism of the middle Joseon era, medical treatment also put more focus on pragmatic treatment methods, and records show emphasis on acupuncture and moxibustion and other points in accord with this. The authors also observed meaning and limitations of low back pain treatment during that era through comparison with current diagnosis and treatment.
Key Words: low back pain, Seungjeongwon ilgi, middle joseon era, Donguibogam
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