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Korean J Med Hist > Volume 22(2); 2013 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical History 2013;22(2): 357-388.
doi: https://doi.org/10.13081/kjmh.2013.22.357
구술사와 서사의학의 만남, 그 시론적 탐색
황임경1, 김호연2
1제주대학교 의학전문대학원 의료인문학교실
2한양대학교 기초ㆍ융합교육원
The Encounter between Oral History and Narrative Medicine: A Preliminary Study
Imkyung Hwang1, Hoyeon Kim2
1Department of Medical Humanities, Jeju National University, Jeju, Korea. hikrad@jejunu.ac.kr
2Center of Integrated General Education, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea. celera@hanyang.ac.kr
Received: June 30, 2013;  Accepted: July 28, 2013.  Published online: August 31, 2013.
In this article, we will examine the theory and practice of encounters between oral history and narrative medicine in view of storytelling. Man is a storytelling animal. Our experience is understood, reconstructed and transmitted as a story and we can find the meaning of life through a story. Oral history is a specific practice and method of research. It refers to the process of recording interviews with people who have something to say, transcribing the record and interpretating the written text to conduct the study of the past. Therefore story is a basic tool of oral history. There has been also growing interest regarding the narrative features of medicine. Especially the illness narrative is one of the most powerful tools in this context. An illness narrative is a patient's story about his illness, including the meaning of the illness in his life. Illness as a specific event of life can only be understood through a story of patient. How can we combine oral history and narrative medicine altogether? We propose two subjects, one is 'healing' and the other is 'the social'. The goal of medicine is healing of suffered people. It is well known that storytelling has a healing effect. Conducting oral history is not only 'recovery history' but also is helping people to have a well organized memory and integrate that into his whole life story. The use of oral history as a means of empowerment should be extended referring the healing effect of medicine. On the other hand, modern medicine has a tendency to reduce the problem of health and illness as an individual one. However story of illness can reveal the dominance of modern biomedicine in the contemporary and have political implications. Oral history deals with memory. Personal memory can only be understood in the context of social and cultural backgrounds. Collective memory is necessary in building community history. Medicine should learn from oral history's social dimensions. In this context, life of KIM Hyeongyul who was activist for second generation Korean Atomic Bomb Victims will be a good example of encounters between oral history and narrative medicine.
Key Words: oral history, narrative medicine, story, narrative, body, illness, memory, healing, society, Second Generation Korean Atomic Bomb Victims, Kim Hyeongyul
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