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Korean J Med Hist > Volume 7(1); 1998 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical History 1998;7(1): 37-45.
日帝下 私立 避病院 設立運動 硏究
朴潤栽, 申東煥
A study on the movement for establishing a private isolation hospital under the rule of Japanese imperialism
Yun Jae PARK, Dong Hwan SHIN
Department of Medical History, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Korea.
Koreans had an ill feeling against the only public isolation hospital, and their ill feeling was a cause the movement for establishing a private isolation hospital. The bad seating capacity and the nearness to downtown of public isolation hospital, and some violence caused in the course of taking a patient to the public isolation hospital were concrete causes of the movement for establishing a private isolation hospital. The three purposes of the movement for establishing a private isolation hospital are as follows. First, for the purpose of removing the national ill feeling, Koreans had to establish the isolation hospital by themselves. Second, for the purpose of curing the patients, doctors needed to use Oriental medicine together. Third, for the purpose of doing away with the anxiety of infection, the isolation hospital had to be located in a distant place from downtown. The movement for establishing a private isolation hospital didn't succeed. It only ended up establishing a contagious ward in Severance hospital. Because whenever an isolation hospital was planned to be constructed somehere, the residents worrying about the infection opposed to the construction, and enough money didn't be gathered. Abve all, rich pro-Japanese men didn't contribute enough money. The middle and lower classes contributed almost all of the money. The movement for estabishing a private isolation hospital was the extension of anti-Japanese national feeling that sprung from the March 1st movement. In view of strenghtening Korean ability, the movement for establishing a private isolation hospital had a common cause with the Shilryokyangsong movement in the early 1920s.
Key Words: Isolation Hospital, Shilryokyangsong Movement, Contagious Disease, Cholera, Severance Hospital
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