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Korean J Med Hist > Volume 18(2); 2009 > Article
Korean Journal of Medical History 2009;18(2): 189-203.
고대 그리스 생리학에 나타난 열(thermos)과 열병(puretos)의 관계
Heat and Fever in Ancient Greek Physiology
In Sok Yeo
Department of the History of Medicine and Medical Ethics, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Korea.
This paper aims at clarifying the relationship of physiological heat and pathological heat(fever) using the theoretical scheme of Georges Canguilhem as is argued in his famous book The Normal and the Pathologic. Ancient authors had presented various views on the innate heat and pathological heat. Some argued that there is only pathological heat while others, like Galen, distinguished two different kinds of heat. Galen was the first medial author who had the clear notion of the relationship between the normal heat and the pathological heat. He conceptualized their difference as the heat conforming to nature (kata phusin) and the heat against nature (para phusin). However, the Peripatetic authors, such as ps-Alexander Aphrodisias, who laid more emphasis on physiology tended to regard pathology in continuation with physiology as Claude Bernard attempted to do it. Therefore, Canguilhem's theoretical scheme turns out to be very useful in analysing the relationship of normal heat and pathological heat as is manifested in ancient Greek physiology.
Key Words: The Normal, The Pathologic, Innate Heat, Fever, Hippocrates, Galen
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